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Thread: Will Jesus Return by 2023?

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    Default Will Jesus Return by 2023?

    Will Jesus return within 75 years from when Israel became a nation (by 2023 at the latest)? Yes,

    • because 75 years is within a lifetime (Ps. 90.10);
    • because Abraham entered the promise land at 75 (Gen. 12.5);
    • because "you know the summer is near" (Matt. 24.32) when the "fig tree...branch is tender" (v.32);
    • Ezekiel's prophecy on his side for 390 days takes us to exactly May, 1948 when Israel became a nation again;
    • thus, you "know that it is near, even at the doors" (v.33).

    Can we narrow down the time of the Tribulation and when Jesus returns? Yes,

    • because before the great and terrible day of the Lord (Joel 2.31, Rev. 6.12) there is a great earthquake (2010/11), unique solar eclipse (Nov. 3, 2013) and unique lunar eclipse (2014/15);
    • thus, the Tribulation can start no sooner than 2015.

    How do we get even more exact for the time the Tribulation starts?

    • Each year there are from Feast of Trumpets 2,520 (Dan. 9.27, 12.7, Rev. 12.6) days to Tisha B'Av or 2,550 (Dan. 12.11) days to Day of Atonement;
    • there are 2300 days (Dan. 8.14) from the day before Passover to Tisha B'Av from 2016 to 2022 and for 2017 to 2023;
    • thus, we know the Tribulation starts on Feast of Trumpets either Sept. 14, 2015 or Oct. 3, 2016.

    Which year does the Tribulation start?

    • There are seven sets of seven from June 7, 1967 (double fulfilment of Dan. 9.25) when Israel became a nation to the Day of Atonement June 23, 2015 (total of 17,640 days);
    • Israel became a nation and entered Jerusalem on the previous Tetrads so the 3rd Temple construction and the Tribulation should begin no latter that on the next Tetrad;
    • when Jesus returns, He judges the nations for 30 days from the 1260th to the 1290th day;
    • 2015 is a Jubilee year once every 50 years and it is a Sabbath year once every seven years (these years are confirmed going back to the start of the first Jubilee which was 3986 BC when Adam was 18 years old;
    • The 1335th day (Oct. 21, 2022, Dan. 12.12) is the 4th day from Simchat Torah, the last of Israel's holidays, just after Tabernacles is done in 2022, but not for 2023;
    • thus, the Tribulation must start on Feast of Trumpets Sept. 14 in 2015.

    What day does Jesus step down on the mount of olives?

    • Jesus would step down on the 2,520th day which would be Aug. 7, 2022.

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    As we all know according to partial rapture, the 3 events (Rev. 6.12, Acts 2.20, Joel 2.31) before the Tribulation are the great earthquake (2010/11), unique solar eclipse (2013) and unique lunar eclipse (2014/15) so the Tribulation can't start before 2015. Throw out all those writers who claim otherwise. Don't even read what they have to say.

    These 3 specific events in this exact order occur before the first rapture to 3rd heaven "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9) and before the 1st trumpet (8.7) of the Tribulation that commences the Tribulation. The 7th Seal containing the 7 trumpets (specific) of the Tribulation are loud whereas the 6 Seals of the past 20 centuries are opened secretively in this mystery age of the Church (general). During the second half in the Great Trib 1/3 of people die in nuclear holocaust (Rev. 9.18) and 200 million military units (v.16) congregate in the middle east over oil. But in the Seals through the centuries 1/4 of people die due to war, hunger and pestilence (6.8).

    The question then becomes what year does the Tribulation start and what day (don't ask me what hour)?

    Jesus would need to return within a lifetime (75 years, Ps. 90.10) by 2023 from when Israel became a nation (Matt. 24.32), because "right at the gates" (v.33) would certainly be within a lifetime.

    So the 7 year Tribulation (3 1/2 years [first four trumpets Rev. 8] + 3 1/2 years [3 woes or 3 trumpets Rev. 9-11]) could not begin any later than 2016 to be completed by 2023 or from 2015 to 2022. Note: Rev. chapters 12 to 19 give the details of the major points of the Tribulation from chapters 7 to 11.

    How do we decide which of these two 7 year periods is the Tribulation?

    The Tribulation as we all know is 2,520 days (7 x 360) like all of Daniel's sixty-nine sevens (Dan. 9.25,26), and Feast of Trumpets is the first of three feasts dealing with Jesus' return so the Tribulation MUST start on Feast of Trumpets.

    There are 2,520 days from Feast of Trumpets to Tisha B'Av (day the 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed) in 2015-22 but not for 2016-23. Jesus will reign in the 3rd Temple for 1000 years on earth so this is of utmost importance! However, there are 2,550 days from Feast of Trumpets 2016 to Day of Atonement 2023. 2520 is the smallest number divisible by all numbers from 2 to 10 and it is split in half by 1260 + 1260. Whereas 2,550 adds 30 days to the 1290th day so 1260 + 1260 + 30. Jesus will judge the nations for 30 days (Matt. 25.31-46; Rev. 14.17-20, 19.11-16) from the 1260 to the 1290th day.

    The clue is seen in that there is a double fulfilment of the declaration to rebuild the Temple that would be seven sets of seven in troublous times (Dan. 9.25). Hence, we find there are also seven sets of 7 or 17,640 days (7 x 7 x 360) from June 7, 1967 when Israel entered Jerusalem to the Day of Atonement Sept. 23, 2015. Also, Israel became a nation and entered Jerusalem on the previous Tetrads so the 3rd Temple construction and the Tribulation should begin no latter that on the next Tetrad.

    Therefore, the Tribulation, the Antichrist covenant (Dan. 9.27; cf. Matt. 24.15, 2 Thess. 2.4, Rev. 11.2, 13.5) and the First Rapture (7.9) all begin on Feast of Trumpets Sept. 14, 2015. The first rapture is according to readiness because these are conditional statements in Matt. 24.40-42, Luke 21.36, Rev. 3.10. The rest of God's children will be raptured at the start of the 7th trumpet (11.15, 14.14-16; 1 Thess. 4.14-18) Aug. 20, 2020.

    In conclusion, we are a 100% certain the Tribulation is 2,520 days from Feast of Trumpets Sept. 14, 2015 to Tisha B'Av Aug. 7, 2022. For 30 plus days to the 1290th unto the Day of Atonement, Jesus will judge the nations. On the Day of Atonement in 2022 the saved will be finalized and declared! 45 days more from the 1290th day to the 1335th day (Oct. 21, 2022) Israel is set up as the center of all nations from where Jesus will reign in the 3rd Temple. Oct. 21 is the 4th day from Simchat Torah after Tabernacles is done.

    Praise the Lord!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Tanner
    I will study this more closely now. At first glance I would say: "Great reasoning but no 7-year tribulation. GT lasts only 42 months or less."

    That would put the second coming around Sept. 2019 not 2023. Daniel's 70th Week was completely fulfilled by 73AD. The actual tribulation lasts 49 years from 1967 to 2016. Some even believe it will terminate by Sept. 2012 this year.

    Daniel's final seven is not 3 1/2 years. It is 7 years. The Tribulation lasts 7 years. The last half is 3 1/2 years called the Great Trib. Daniel's final seven has not started yet. It starts after the 3 events of Rev. 6.12 (2010/11, Nov. 3, 2013, 2014/15) before the great and terrible day of the Lord (Joel 2.31). Rev. 8 which are the first 4 trumpets, lasting 3 1/2 years, are the first half of the Tribulation and have not started yet as the first rapture has not occurred (Rev. 3.10, 7.9). Transgressions have not ended (Dan. 9.24) so the 70th seven did not take place 70 AD.

    There was no 7 year covenant 70 AD. Dan. 9.26 is 70 AD not 9.27. There is no reason to think the 70th seven would be 49 years either though there are seven sets of seven (double fulfilment) from June 7, 1967 to Day of Atonement Sept. 23, 2015 indicating the Tribulation starts in 2015 lasting the 7 years. There are 2,520 days from Feast of Trumpets Sept. 14, 2015 to Tisha B'Av Aug. 7, 2022. 2012 is irrelevant and a distraction.

    The Tribulation can't end 2012 if it hasn't even started yet which can't start before 2015 because of these signs (Rev. 6.12, Acts 2.20) which must occur first; as well the Temple must be under construction during the Tribulation (2 Thess. 2.4, Rev. 11.2) to be completed by April 20, 2016 so there are 2300 days (April 21, 2016) to Tisha B'Av Aug. 7, 2022.

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    I see only two possibilities for Matt. 24.32-33. Either it means once Israel is a nation again we can "know" the day Jesus returns "right at the door." Or it is just an analogy when the Antichrist is in the 3rd Temple (Matt. 24.15) then we can know there are 3 1/2 years left before the Lord's return.

    I find it hard to believe that it means the latter only because Israel is the fig tree, and shortly before the Olivette Discourse Jesus was cursing the fig tree as Israel for having outward showing of leaves but no inner life since it bore no fruit.

    The Tribulation's 2,520 days must be completed within a lifetime (Ps. 90.10) from when Israel is a nation again for beyond that would not be "right at the door." Every 7 out of 19 years there are 2,520 days from Feast of Trumpets to Tisha B'Av when the 1st and 2nd temples were destroyed; Jesus returns to reign in the 3rd Temple on earth for 1000 years. 2,520 is the smallest number divisible by 2 to 10 as a basic prophetic working unit. This 2,520 days is true for Feast of Trumpets Sept. 14, 2015 to Tisha B'Av Aug. 7, 2022 but not for 2014-21 nor 2016-23.

    Before the Tribulation starts 3 events must occur in exact order: 1) great earthquake (Haiti 2010 320,000 killed, 1 in 27 people died, 2nd most deaths; Japan 2011 4th greatest magnitude, worse financial loss, shut all 50+ nuclear power plants down); 2) unique solar eclipse, black sackcloth sun (Nov. 3, 2013 the H3 long Hybrid, rarest of all eclipses, 4th since Christ, happens once every 700 years approx., won't happen again till 2172); 3) feast Total lunar Tetrad 2014/15 on passover, tabernacles and again, on passover and tabernacles, 8th since Christ, won't happen again till 2582/83 (last time this occurred was when Israel became a nation and when Israel took over Jerusalem). Uncanny!

    What then is the sign of the Son of Man in 2022 (Matt. 24.30)? Well, we know in 2022 Jupiter is going to be the closest to earth it has been in hundreds of years so it will loom very large in the sky visible to the naked eye, and NASA says it will sparkle with comets hitting its surface. We also know the planets in 2022 will amass into a 1/3 section of the solar system.

    I am not sure how such signs could be anymore obvious? When you take these factors along with others factors not mentioned here, the probability of these signs coming together amounts to a mere 1 in 112 trillion chance--that's 1 in 112,000,000,000,000. Think about it!

    So the first rapture according to readiness (Matt.24.40-42, Luke 21.36, Rev. 3.10) to 3rd heaven "before the the throne" (7.9) before the 1st trumpet (8.7) of the Tribulation is Sept. 14, 2015 on Feast of Trumpets.

    I realize this is hard to believe. After all how could you and I be the generation Jesus returns? It is unfathomable. No other option exists. The only thing is you would have to revert Matt. 24.32-33 to mean when the Antichrist is in the 3rd Temple and not about when Israel is a nation again even though Ezekiel's prophecy on his side takes us literally to the month of May and to the year 1948.

    Only once Sept. 14, 2015 roles and nothing happens will I revert to the alternate meaning of Matt. 24.32-33. So no rapture is mentioned in the news that night where a couple million people vanished, that is, just those Christians who were watchful, prayerful and kept the word of His patience. Most Christians lie on a bed of fornication, though saved and have eternal life, will not be received up at the start of the Tribulation.

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    I just discovered something else very interesting in the theory of Jesus returning in 2023....The Jews Were given the 483 year prophecy to know when to expect him. I subtracted 483 years from 2023 and came to the year first I couldn't think of any major known historical event for this year, then I thought of something and thought this could be a veryodd coincidence if if this happened in that year, so I looked it up and sure enough The Golden Gate of the temple was sealed off and the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt by the Ottomans in the year 1540......Coincidence or another double fulfillment in the Daniel Prophecy?

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