View Poll Results: Do You Agree Jesus Returns Somewhere Between Tisha B'Av and Day of Atonement 2030?

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Thread: 7 Year Preparatory Period of Plenty from 2016 to 2023

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  1. #1
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    Default The Absolute Certainty of When Jesus Returns

    Since nature can't come from non-existence, we know the universe did not start from nothing. And we know the universe could not always have existed, because if it had, you would have had an eternity to come into being before now and mankind would not still be sinning to to the extent it still does do along the exponential progression of conscience we are clearly on. Therefore, logically speaking, nature needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated. This sole uncreated Creator is whom we call God who alone was from everlasting before time and space.

    A personal God trumps an absentee landlord of other religions, for how can God have standards and morals below our own as we ought to be personal and accessible to one another. Where does God reveal Himself in nature? Only did Jesus ever prove Himself personally to be God because the Apostles He spent 3 years with testified to His death on the cross such as John, with Jesus' mother and Mary, who places himself at the cross when Jesus died. But miraculously those same Apostles testified even to their deaths and as martyrs for their eyewitness testimony over and over in various group settings, for which there is no naturalistic explanation. People don't willingly die for what they know is a lie, and group hallucinations according to the DM-4 Psychology Manual says there are no such thing as group hallucinations (no accounts in history) though people can hallucinate individually different things. The Bible gives us twelve different group settings where the Apostles talked with, walked with, touched and even ate with the physically risen Lord. No better proof can be established for the authenticity of Jesus being the Creator of the universe for man can't resurrect himself so salvation is only through Him, and that unless you confess Him as your Lord and Savior you will surely die in your sins and be sent to Hell for eternity. People will not have a change of mind after they die so the decision is decided in this life. The elderly never have a change of mind with regard to Christ. It seems it is more painful for a person to repent in the next life than it would be to place oneself in subjection dependent on His Creator.

    When will the judgment take place? Jesus said there would be three signs in precise order before His parousia which lasts 7 years according to Daniel and Revelation. This is the Tribulation. Before it occurs there is a great earthquake, black sackcloth solar eclipse and red blood moon we will be able to identify (Joel 2.31, Acts 2.20, Rev. 6.12).

    The great earthquake was either individually or taken together Haiti 2010 and Japan 2011, for we observed the greatest number of deaths per capita, 2nd most deaths or greatest financial loss and 4th greatest magnitude on record. Taken together, there has never been a one two punch, year over year, of such proportions.

    2012 passes by of no significance contrary to peoples' expectations, but in 2013 on Nov. 3 is a long H3 solar eclipse which finishes off as a total eclipse to produce that black sackcloth effect. It has only happened 3 times since Christ. Very rare! and it won't happen again till 2172. Surely this qualifies as unique and easily identifiable like the earthquake that preceded it.

    Thirdly, 2014/15 is a total lunar eclipse that lands on passover, tabernacles and again on passover and tabernacles. It has happened only 7 times since Christ. The 6th and 7th time was when Israel became a nation and when Israel entered Jerusalem. Never before have two feast Tetrads been closer than 18 years apart, and the next feast Tetrad won't occur again till 2582/83. That is simply too amazing a coincidence especially after we are called to look for these signs like the three wise men who saw the star to locate the baby Jesus then another star was shown to confirm his location again so they could be certain. God often follows up a personal revelation of signs with another to confirm the certainty of the first revelation.

    The probability calculation of all this (ask me how each was derived) is 2010 (earthquake) x 700 (long H3) x 100,000 (Tetrads) x 19/7 (2,520 days) x 7 (Sunday) x 7 (Tisha B'Av held over) x 6 (exact order) = 112 trillion to 1. Just ask yourself, could there be better signs? Nope. If this is not enough to satisfy you, nothing will and your choice is already made.

    Since Jesus returns right at the door (Matt. 24.32-33) after Israel is a nation (1948) this wouldn't be more than a lifetime of 75 years (Ps. 90.10) by 2023 in context of what is "very near" with respect to only the past 2000 years. But since there is no 2,520 day period (360 x 7) in 2016-23 and the Tribulation can't start before 2015, we know without even calculating that there must be 2,520 days from Feast of Trumpets (first rapture according to readiness) Sept. 14, 2015 to Tisha B'Av Aug. 7, 2022 (Zech. 14.4, Acts 1.11, Rev. 1.7). Interestingly enough, 2,520 days is the smallest number divisible by all numbers from 2 to 10 as a basic working prophetic unit foreshadowing the Tribulation like when Jericho was circled 6 times (cf. 6 Seals in Revelation) by Israel in six days before the 7th time (cf. 7th Seal) on that day was circled 7 times and blowing the trumpets 7 times. The 7th Seal opens up the 7 trumpets of the Tribulation. Since the moon is a key sign, it is interesting that it is about 2,160 miles in diameter (6 x 360). Vital is Tisha B'Av when the 1st and 2nd temples were destroyed. The reason this is important is because Jesus will reign for 1000 years in the 3rd Temple (2 Thess. 2.4; Jude 14,15; Rev. 11.2, 12.5, 20.4).

    For non-Christians there is nothing we can say more beyond the gospel, but for Christians knowing this in order to escape the hour of trial that is to come upon the whole world, the believer would need to keep the word of His patience (Rev. 3.10) to be received up "before the throne" (7.9) before the 1st trumpet of the Tribulation (8.7) begins. Though a Christian can't lose eternal life (John 10.28), he can lose the reward of the first rapture if he is not watchful (Matt. 24.40-42) and prayerful (Luke 21.36). As well the saved can lose the reward of returning with Christ to reign during the 1000 years (2.26, 20.4-6) as kings and priests over the nations with a "rod of iron" (12.5). Many Christians are tied down to the world like a balloon unwilling to be released and received up. Non-overcomer believers will spend 1000 years in outer darkness, outside the light of reigning with Christ during the millennial kingdom. They shall be disciplined, be full of regret and sorrow for being carnal Christians and not spiritual ones. 1000 years is a long time before they can enter the New City and New Earth in the New Heaven.

  2. #2
    stevah Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
    Non-overcomer believers will spend 1000 years in outer darkness, outside the light of reigning with Christ during the millennial kingdom. They shall be disciplined, be full of regret and sorrow for being carnal Christians and not spiritual ones. 1000 years is a long time before they can enter the New City and New Earth in the New Heaven.
    I thought Jesus died for their sins. Why do they then have to suffer? This is a denial of Christ' work on the cross...repent. And stop making up wrong stuff.

  3. #3
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    Jesus died for their sins and the sins of the whole world. He died for the sins of people who go to Hell also. Those who go to Hell refuse to appropriate what God did for them so they go to Hell for all eternity. Whereas non-overcomer Christians go to outer darkness for 1000 years, because they preferred to be fleshly carnal Christians. Recall Paul drew the distinction between spiritual and carnal Christians.

    Jesus' death on the cross and shedding of His blood doesn't automatically make one sinless. You still have much to overcomer, but through the power of the cross and forgiveness of sins one has the power to overcometh. This is the basis from which to start from. But people don't all overcome at the same time. There are firstfruits (Rev. 14.1-5) and a later harvest (vv.14-16). Don't think of just the distinction between wheat and the tares but there is also a distinction of time of ripening of the wheat.

    Those who go to outer darkness have regret and sorrow for losing out in the millennial kingdom, but they don't suffer as it were like those who will be resurrected for Hell. Draw the distinction. There are advanced parties and harbingers in every sphere. So too is it for Christians otherwise you are antinomian which is not Christian. You're denying the work of Christ on the cross, because never does He say that you are sinless once saved. How arrogant, delusional, pretentious and obnoxious to think that. Totally not Christian!

    I see that you are a non-Trinitarian in your profile, because you reject in the third question about the distinction of the 3 Persons of the Godhead, yet you call yourself a Christian and an Apostle? Also, in your profile you don't acknowledge the existence of Hell--the domain of eternal separation from God for the unsaved. Anyone who calls himself an Apostle yet does not accept these questions for Apostles his account is removed because obviously you are not an Apostle. Apostles are in agreement not disagreement.

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