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    by Published on 09-11-2011 04:37 PM     Number of Views: 3330 
    1. Categories:
    2. Amillennialism

    "They lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years" (Rev. 20.4). How can the saints live and reign today if today is the thousand years when the saints are not even resurrected yet, not till the end of this age (1 Thess. 4.14-18)? How can they live and reign if they are asleep?

    "I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them" (Rev. 20.4). A saint is not sitting on a throne if he is asleep waiting to be resurrected.

    Where today are saints sitting on thrones reigning over the nations? (2.26)

    "The rest of the dead [the unsaved] lived not again until the thousand years were finished" (v.5). Since the unsaved are resurrected at the end of the 1000 years, the saved will be resurrected before the 1000 years (7.9), but when were the saints resurrected if the 1000 years has already started? 1 Thess. 4.14-18 didn't begin in Paul's day, nor has it occurred yet in our day.

    Amillennialism makes no sense. No wonder why Luther and other Calvinists wanted to throw the book of Revelation out since it didn't agree with their faith.

    Satan is the Great Allegorizer.
    by Published on 09-10-2011 12:46 PM     Number of Views: 2543 
    1. Categories:
    2. Partial Rapture

    Remember Lot’s wife. Whosoever shall seek to gain his life shall lose it: but whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. I say unto you, In that night there shall be two on one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. Luke 17.32-4.

    There does not appear to be any difference between the two persons, neither in work nor in place; yet in rapture there does come a difference! In a twinkling, what a vast difference!

    A most serious problem is presented here. If we wish to be raptured, to see the Lord, and to enter the kingdom, we must first lose our souls in this age. For the sake of the Lord, we must forsake the world, forsake all which is not in accordance with the will of God, forsake all which will entangle us, and forsake all that would hinder our hearts from thinking on the things above.

    Should we be like Lot’s wife, trying to preserve the soul and unwilling to forsake anything, we will not be taken up to where the Lord ordains us to be, even though we may not perish in Sodom and Gomorrah with the sinners. There may be no difference in eternal life, but there will be a difference in rapture.
    by Published on 09-07-2011 12:16 AM     Number of Views: 2305 
    1. Categories:
    2. Trinity

    Jhn 14:7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.
    Jhn 14:8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.
    Jhn 14:9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou [then], Shew us the Father?
    Jhn 14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
    Jhn 14:11 Believe me that I [am] in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.

    Jhn 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

    Two errors are guarded against here. The first error is in verse 9 by itself could suggest that the Son is the Father incarnate, that there are no distinctions between the two Persons. But verse 10-11 make it clear that is not the case. These verses also guard against fully separating the Father and Son into distinct gods. Each interpenetrates the other--what the ancient Greeks called perichoresis.

    Interpenetrate means to 1. interpret thoroughly; permeate. 2. to penetrate (with something else) mutually or reciprocally.

    Perichoresis refers to the Trinity. The word is derived from the Greek “peri-choresis” which translates as, “peri” meaning around, “choresis” meaning to dance (the same root as choreography). The relationship between the Persons of the Trinity was described, by early Christians, as an eternal Holy Dance of each Person in the Trinity around and within the Others.
    by Published on 07-29-2011 12:38 PM     Number of Views: 2193 
    1. Categories:
    2. Non-OSAS Libertarian Free Will

    Libertarian Free Will says a person can do something outside of what God has provided for him to be able to do. Free will is true but libertarian free will is false. God has no problem being able to reconcile His infinite foreknowledge with free will as we are sovereign free-willed beings made in His image, and God exists outside of time and space so He can touch any point in time and space instantly.

    William Lane Craig believes in Libertarian Free Will as he uses this phrase all the time to describe his view, but this is a false teaching since it is God who has provided us with all available free-choices under any given scenario, and we cannot exceed them as Craig believes we can. Thereby he exalts himself.

    Naturally, therefore, Craig is a non-OSASer who thinks he has the power to keep or to lose his "alleged" salvation from the god he worships. This is salvation by works. We are not saved by works lest any man should boast.

    William Lane Craig talks so much, but he doesn't have much empathy for the views of others. If he had, he would have the humility to see his own mistaken assumptions that Christians have been trying to show him for years. He closes himself off.

    I am an OSAS Arminian; that is, I gave my life to the God who always keeps and does not let anyone pluck me out of His hand. He predestinates by foreknowing our free-choice: a conditional election, unlimited atonement, resistible grace, for preservation of the saints. Craig has no faith to believe in this God.

    Craig is too selfish to give his life to Christ preferring to have a selfish "out-clause" or prenuptial with one foot in the door and one foot out. This is Satan's counterfeit salvation. But those who are actually born-again, "they shall never perish" (John 10.28). This is something William Craig almost never talks about. He doesn't want people to know he is a non-OSASer. The very fact he hides it is an indication his conscience is trying to speak to him, but he doesn't want to listen to it.

    Isn't that a strange kind of salvation where you can be saved, lose it, get it back again, only to lose it again? Can you see the hand of Satan in this? The real God simply will not save you to begin with. God won't save you till you enter genuinely into a relationship for God to keep you saved. This is not what Craig is interested in. He is interested in his own prowess. The truth of his mistaken assumption is no man can keep himself saved nor can he lose it once saved. A proud man full of accomplishment has difficulty accepting this.

    Both Calvinists (Total Depravists who try to high-jack the Reformation of Justification by Faith by trying to change it into irresistible grace) and non-OSASers (Remonstrants and Wesleyans such as William Lane Craig of the great harlot of religious Rome-the Roman Church-that makes drunk the nations with the wine of the wrath of her fornications, Rev. 14.8) are not born-again. They worship their false Christs. They don't want to be saved God's way of saving sinners. They prefer a selfish salvation. Where is the love in that? All they have left is to wait for the Great White Throne judgment and Hell since most of them have long since made up their minds. Nothing we can do to help them. Jesus says just kick the dust under your feet as you leave them be.

    William Lane Craig was never born-again and in all likelihood he never will be. Who do you know who is as old as Craig is, even a scholar, who entered into a false salvation, or came so close to the door of salvation only to turn away (2 Pet. 2.21), then ended up repenting and giving his life to Christ to be regenerated once-saved-always-saved? Very few I am sure.

    You can appreciate how important it is for Satan to bring a person into a false salvation, masquerading as an angel of light, highjacking the new birth, replacing it with a counterfeit salvation and producing Satanic grace, because then his work is done. All he need do then is wait to take that soul with him to Hell, committed to an eternal state of delusion.

    It is more painful for the false Christian who worships a false Christ to give up that false Christ than the fear of letting go of self and placing his trust in the Jesus who always keeps. Instead of having the humility to accept he can't keep himself saved nor does he have the power to overturn God's saving grace once saved, his obsession and possession become so entrenched, the fear of letting go of the control he has through his particular idolatry (non-OSAS) becomes insurmountable.

    by Published on 07-25-2011 11:44 AM     Number of Views: 1694 
    1. Categories:
    2. Dividing Spirit, Soul, Body

    For the word of God is living, . . . piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and quick to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4.12.
    We ought to acknowledge that it is not easy for us ourselves to differentiate between what is spiritual and what is soulish merely by their outward appearances. It is futile to ask ourselves daily whether this is spiritual or that is soulish. Such questioning will have no spiritual value at all. We may ask, but we will not get an answer. In spiritual things, self-analysis will not only fail to show us the reality, it will even create spiritual paralysis. Real seeing and understanding comes only from God’s illumination. As light shines, we just naturally see. We therefore do not need to ask ourselves questions; all we need to do is to ask God to cause his word to shine in us, for the word of God is living and most effective.
    by Published on 07-23-2011 10:09 AM     Number of Views: 1912 
    1. Categories:
    2. Consecration and Breaking

    Lay thou thy treasure in the dust, . . . and the Almighty will be thy treasure. Job 22.24, 25.

    Generally speaking, believers seem to have financial difficulties. This is due either to their inability to continue on with whatever improper occupations they had engaged in before or to some spiritual reason for which God is dealing with them specifically. God sometimes takes our wealth away so as to induce us to seek after Christ that He might have the preeminence in all things. It is not impossible for the rich to enter the kingdom of God, it is just difficult for them to do so.

    God dealt with the children of Israel in the wilderness by depriving them of earthly supplies of food and clothing so that they might recognize the abundance of God. As the supplies on earth ceased, the supplies from heaven came. Material difficulties drive us to seek after the Lord, to learn the lesson of faith, and know Christ as the first in all things.

    Because the Lord is impacting Christians because they have the Holy Spirit God influences their financial lives in ways the world is not affected by since the worldly don't have a conscience in Christ to be be touched by the Lord. Hence, this explains why Christians generally have financial difficulties. That's a good thing, not a bad thing, even though it may not feel like it at first.
    by Published on 07-21-2011 03:49 PM     Number of Views: 2065 
    1. Categories:
    2. US Dollar

    Lessons in Trading–Is it Deception
    or Are Traders Just Puking Out?
    There is only one rule you will ever need to remember that has been your experience time and again. To have a chance, enter the trade only when the market goes to where you didn't think it could go in a million years (it will go there!). Yet don't trade against the overall arching theme since it will catch up to you eventually if you do.

    Markets move where you don’t expect because when it moves in that direction it causes people to puke-out which extenuates the move. Whether or not this is deception perpetrated by Wall Street to try to make markets move in unexpected and seemingly illogical ways to cause people to puke out that then aids in moving the markets in the direction Wall Street is pumping, the fact remains it happens and must be accounted for. And there is only one way to account for it, to wait until the move has been spent where you say to yourself, I can't believe the markets just went there. Even when you do this it is hard to put the trade in because it goes against your feelings as your feeling simmer based on the preceding trend.

    The news on TV is for the last person to know so that information is really not very useful. Reading profusely might work (it’s something different) since most people don't read to this extent. But really who has the time? So this is not a realistic option.

    When you do play the counter move, only try for a couple hundred pips (for a 50% to 100% return with options). Trading on margin is deadly because a person rarely is strong enough not to close out his trade when he is in panic mode as the margin call draws near.

    Your feelings reflect the mass market that is always wrong (who have the least amount of information). It feels so comfortable to trade a losing trade because everyone is with you. It's all over the news so we are blinded by other options than what we are told on TV. You have to trade against your feelings which is impossible to do. It goes against human nature. Therefore, all you can do is wait for the market to get to that extreme price point you didn't think could happen then enter the trade. This takes great patience because it might take months before the opportunity sets itself to trade it the other way. Even then the move could extend itself beyond the shock factor it has already generated. You are lucky to find one good opportunity per year in some stock, commodity or currency. Even though nothing is really noise, for our purposes it's noise and untradeable until it sets itself to meet your surprise factor.

    I would still have $20,000 if I didn't trade at all. I’d be better off today not trading at all; this shows me how rarely one should trade and how small the pips of profit should be. When I get $5,000 to trade again after saving up from working, only take small chunks of profit-quick 50% to 100% gains. Take your profits and run! Beyond that is all a crap shoot.

    When you are so convinced in something, it won’t happen because likely most everyone believes the same already; or it certainly won’t happen when you are expecting it to. Wall Street will not give you that luxury! Ten predictions by ten people and the market will find some way to do that which makes them all wrong. The marketes are trying to maneuver themselves around peoples' already invested positions. It is new money that drives the market, or new money as a result of liquidating a position.

    In summary: the only option I see is to WAIT FOR and REACT TO surprising unexpected moves instead of getting burned by them. That’s my definite experience. Never forget these words!

    If you trade this way, you will become no friend to Wall Street.
    The solution to the problems I have been experiencing can only be solved two ways:

    1) Wait for an extreme unexpected move like DX down from 76.72 to 73.88 in July, 2011.
    2) Read profusely to have a feel for the fact the day before the European draft to give periphery countries more money was going to be received positively.

    The problem is I can’t read that much or that fast. I can only read as fast as I can, plus it takes away from my spiritual life. So I can do 1 and only try to do 2.

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